Very well said

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Absolutely correct, Jackie.

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The idea that La Sturgeon is an electoral asset atm is mistaken, regardless of whether a small group of ladies of a certain age think she’s being hard done by.

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Why do you think that?

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The arrests. The charging of her husband. The light shone on the ridiculous situation of a couple being party leader and CEO respectively. The light shone on the clannish mess and lack of inclusiveness of their leadership. The scandal of the deletion of the COVID era WhatsApps, despite assurances, and of the death rates in care homes. The continuing scandal of the Salmond affair, re which perjury charges may still be pending and which is now generally accepted by most commentators (inc Fraser Nelson as of last week) as being an attempted stitch up of a perceived rival. Her inability to answer 50 QUESTIONS during the inquiry into that mess. The general incompetence of her government over its last few years. Her links to trans ideology against which there is now huge pushback. The jaw dropping lack of self awareness in recent statements. I could go on… You and your pals may still like her, but that hardly counterbalances all of the above. And that line about the SNP being equivalent to a small hotel or golf club, which has been peddled before, is dreadful on so many levels when we are discussing the corruption of a governing g political party.

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Look at the points in my first post. Take one - let’s make it Covid, as you think she did so marvellously well there. What reply do you have to my criticisms on that?

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

You start with the arrest - a ridiculous pantomime with the forensic tent which is being dragged out. The case against Sturgeon will be dropped eventually. I wrote about Sturgeon’s appearance at the Covid enquiry which didn’t really seem to look into the lessons that could actually be learned from that experience. I don’t accept the government has been incompetent - the Scottish NHS out performs the others in the UK for example. Of course there have been issues but those are not germane to the question at hand. Nicola Sturgeons remains respected and popular - but the Unionist media doesn’t report that

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You haven’t dealt with any of the points I raised, and I could have raised several others. Not least the abject failure to pursue what had to the the main focus of the SNP - independence- despite having huge numbers of WM MPs and nine years of government at Holyrood. For all that a coterie of (mostly) women might still be fans it is clear she needed to go, and needs to stay gone. And it’s NOT only the Unionist media against her. Indy commentators are almost unanimous that her influence has been disastrous. Robin MacAlpine was stating that her leading of governance was poor from late 2015!

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I did deal with the points you raised. I don’t think independence can happen until there is strong majority support for it. There have been some major successes - it’s really a big achievement that child poverty in Scotland tracks with the south of England. 20 years ago it tracked with the north of England

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No you didn’t. And you’ve shifted your ground again. Honest debate is needed.

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I agree with every word of this piece. Nicola is a woman of immense patience whose legacy is being smeared. It's time she was shown more support by the SNP.

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Thanks, yes a year should have been long enough for this case to have been concluded

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And now, we have the "leader" of the Conservatives in Scotland under suspicion of fraud involving public, not party money. Will he receive the same high-profile treatment with tents outside his house?

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