Multiple providers. At present three masts - although it started as up to 12 and we are not yet clear if the three applies to a very limited area of the peninsula. We already have one new mast through the SG scheme that has provided coverage for most of the populated notspots. We are still getting info on multiple masts. Community and landowners have pretty solid agreement that new masts are not required. This whole story doesn't seem to be about connectivity to communities - which everybody agrees should be a priority.
Need, design, infrastructure requirement and long-term servicing are all outwith community involvement. 'Solutions' to all these issues are not sustainable.
Another example, along with electricity pylons and windfarms, of infrastructure being imposed oon Scotland by Westminster which we neither want nor need but will have to pay for as part of the 'Union benefit' to Scotland, which actually only benefits the cronies of the London government and despoils our landscape
That’s quite concerning - it’s a very badly thought out programme. Building these masts without consultation with the community, creating a need for continuous diesel generators, helicoptering diesel into wilderness areas, all without any environmental assessment- frankly that’s scandalous. We have to stop it
Someone has put this map together, helpfully,
dealing with similar issues here on Knoydart. Rationale and reasoning for masts is extremely disconnected to where people and/or need.
It is crazy that they are planning to pay Virgin to put phone masts up in Knoydart! How many are they looking to erect?
Multiple providers. At present three masts - although it started as up to 12 and we are not yet clear if the three applies to a very limited area of the peninsula. We already have one new mast through the SG scheme that has provided coverage for most of the populated notspots. We are still getting info on multiple masts. Community and landowners have pretty solid agreement that new masts are not required. This whole story doesn't seem to be about connectivity to communities - which everybody agrees should be a priority.
Need, design, infrastructure requirement and long-term servicing are all outwith community involvement. 'Solutions' to all these issues are not sustainable.
Hi, what’s happening with the Knoydart masts now? I write a Substack about the appeal on the Loch Rannoch one
Another example, along with electricity pylons and windfarms, of infrastructure being imposed oon Scotland by Westminster which we neither want nor need but will have to pay for as part of the 'Union benefit' to Scotland, which actually only benefits the cronies of the London government and despoils our landscape
That’s quite concerning - it’s a very badly thought out programme. Building these masts without consultation with the community, creating a need for continuous diesel generators, helicoptering diesel into wilderness areas, all without any environmental assessment- frankly that’s scandalous. We have to stop it